6 Titles
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- The document is publicly available on the WWW
Crime and punishment in Jewish law
essays and responsaJacob, Walter (Ed.) ; Zemer, Mosheh (Ed.)New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [1999] - The document is publicly available on the WWW
Environment in Jewish law
essays and responsaJacob, Walter (Ed.) ; Zemer, Mosheh (Ed.)New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2003] - The document is publicly available on the WWW
Gender issues in Jewish law
essays and responsaJacob, Walter (Ed.) ; Zemer, Moše (Ed.)New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2001] - The document is publicly available on the WWW
Re-examining progressive halakhah
Jacob, Walter (Ed.) ; Zemer, Moše (Ed.)New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2002 - The document is publicly available on the WWW
[Ḥamishah Ḥumshe Torah] / [חמשה חומשי תורה]
ʿim targum Onḳelos, u-ferushe Rashi u-veʾur ṿe-targum AshkenaziMendelssohn, Moses / מנדלסון, משהOfenbakh : Bi-defus Tsevi Hirsh u-veno Avraham Shpits Segal ; אפענבאך : בדפוס צבי הירש ובנו אברהם שפיץ סג"ל, 568- [1807 oder 1808-] - The document is publicly available on the WWW
Mishle / משלי
ʿim beʾur ṿe-targum Ashkenazi : ke-asher nidpas be-ḳ.ḳ Berlin u-be-Ṿin ... nidpas gam Pe. Rashi ṿe-Sefer Mikhlal Yofi ʿim tosefet Leḳeṭ shikheḥahEuchel, Isaac Abraham / אייכל, איצקNidpas be-ḳ.ḳ. Ofibakh : Bi-defus Tsevi Hirsh u-veno Avraham Segal Shpits ; נדפס בק״ק אופיבאך : בדפוס צבי הירש ובנו אברהם סג״ל שפיץ, 565 [1804 oder 1805]